Contact Information

ReturnToWorkSA Claim Form

Contact Lawson Risk Management

New claim lodgement and documentation:

Phone number: (08) 8210 2800

Return to Work Coordinator Training

Return to Work Coordinator training is provided by a number of providers. Information is available from the ReturnToWorkSA website.

When completing paperwork during the training you may be required to provide some employer information. The details are as follows:

Catholic Church Endowment Society Inc.

RTWSA Organisation Number: 0004290

ABN: 29 608 297 012

Early Intervention

Early Intervention Program Guidelines for Member Employers 002G Download
Early Intervention Program Acknowledgement Form 003F Download
Early Intervention Program Employer Reporting Template 072F Download

Injury Management Forms

Reporting an Injury with a Workers Compensation Claim

Workers shall:

  • report the injury or incident to the WHS Coordinator or Return to Work Coordinator with in 24 hours of the injury or incident occurring
  • obtain Work Capacity Certificate from a Doctor for any incapacity for work (lost time, alternate duties)
  • complete a ReturnToWorkSA Claim Form as soon as possible and forward to Lawson Risk Management within 3 working days

For further information about Workers Compensation Claims and Rehabilitation Return to Work contact Catholic Safety & Injury Management on 8210 8101.

ReturnToWorkSA Claim Form Download
Recovery & Return to Work Brochure (041G) Download
Knowing Your Rights (042G) Download
Medical Authority Form (094F) Download
Income Maintenance Reimbursement Form (096F) Download
Workers’ Compensation Payment EFT Form (102F) Download
Travel Expenses Download
Whole Person Impairment (048G) Download
ACCESS Programs EAP EAP Website